i-Vertix Plugin Store
Your favourite technologies, just a few clicks away
i-Vertix IT Monitoring offers several additional features that make the solution even more efficient and user friendly. One of them is i-Vertix Plugin Store, a place where all the supported technologies are collected and where users can find information, download and manage all their plugins. Just think about the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store for Android. There you go, managing plugins with i-Vertix Plugin Store is exactly as easy as downloading any app from your favourite app store.
The integrations
First of all, let’s see which systems and technologies are already integrated in i-Vertix and can therefore be found inside the Plugin Store. Nowaday, our IT Network Management solution supports more than 600 technologies from different brands and systems, offering a high quality monitoring for:
- Hardware
- Network
- Applications
- Cloud systems
- Operative systems
- Virtual environments, such as VMware, KVM, Hyper-V and Docker Kubernetes
- and much more
But it ain’t over yet. i-Vertix is integrated with most relational and non-relational databases. The main common brands among our users are Sql Server and Oracle, but the solution can perfectly manage other databases as well, such as Informix, DB2 and SAP environments (SAP Hana).
Integrations with applications for both IT and End Users are also available: Tomcat, Weblogic, Apache, IIS and backup tools, just to name a few. You can also find Enterprise applications, such as Microsoft Dynamics, CRM, Navision and AX.
Last but not least, you have at your disposal several connectors for different Cloud Providers, like Amazon, Azure and Google.

If all these technologies still don’t completely meet your needs, know that i-Vertix can be integrated with any device and application, as long as we have access to the APIs. If you want to discuss a custom project, contact us at sales@i-vertix.com.
Finding your way through the technologies
As we have seen, i-Vertix supports a really huge number of technologies and finding a way to properly choose and manage them may seem complicated right now.
We all know what the final goal of i-Vertix is, right? To make our users’ job as easy as possible. And that’s exactly why we have decided to create our Plugin Store, an integrated store that allows to easily view all the supported technologies, install and update them and, most importantly, find out what they can be useful for in terms of monitoring.
All plugins can be installed with just a click, and the same applies for all the updates and upgrades that are released, even in the event of bug fixing or configuration updates.

How to use the Plugin Store
Navigating through the i-Vertix Plugin Store is very simple: using the search bar, you can run your research by brand, category or status and just select on or more plugins that you want. You will then have to click on the install button and there you go, you’re done.
To always provide you with the best available version of the plugin, you might have to update or upgrade them every now and then to implement improvements, fixes and new features. Again, everything you will have to do is to simply click on the update/upgrade button. In case you will want to have more details about the update, you can always check out the release notes, where all the information about the changes are available.
Besides visualizing which plugins have already been installed and which require your attention, for each of them you can find a description of the protocols that are being used, a detail of what is being monitored and, when available, all the information regarding the discovery mode.
All the services that are listed in the plugin’s description are automatically enabled during the host insertion and template association phases. However, you can always decide to disable the services you don’t want or need.
Deploying plugins on systems
The GUI of the Plugin Store, which is accessible by all users, is fully responsive and provides you with a module for data flow management and a visualization of everything the system is able to manage, thanks to its interactive interface.
Every time you download or update your plugin packs, the configurations, which can be related to commands, host/services templates or discovery rules, are inserted or updated directly into the configurations’ database.
The plugin files are distributed via the export operation, that must be run and which performs the synchronization on all nodes (Pollers) that are registered on the different networks. Plugins and templates are then immediately available once the configurations are sent.
If you are interested in knowing more about what we can do for you and for your company, contact us at sales@i-vertix.com, we will be more than happy to listen to your needs and discuss together to find the solutions that best fits your necessities!
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